Opening hours: Monday - Friday 10am to 4pm | UK Shipping | Shipping available outside of UK please email

2025 Opening Times & Directions

Open from the beginning of April.   

April Opening Times:

Tues, Weds & Thurs from 10am - 5pm

Check our Instagram page @the1970_gallery for up-to-date opening days and times

If you are making a special trip to the gallery please text or WhatsApp on 07920 026 465 to confirm we will be there.

Outside of our monthly published opening hours you are welcome to visit by appointment, just drop us a text or What's App message.


Follow signs for Waternish. Find us on the left 5.3km/3.3 miles from the Fairy Bridge. You will see a sign for the gallery on the left-hand side, please turn left down the drive before the gallery sign and park next to the white building.

Special instructions for seller

What are you looking for?